Animations by Gary E. Kaiser, Ph.D.
Professor of Microbiology, The Community College of Baltimore County, Catonsville Campus
These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

Creative Commons License

html5 animation showing adsorption of an enveloped virus.

html5 animation showing adsorption of a naked virus.

html5 animation showing entry of an enveloped virus by envelope fusion.

html5 animation showing entry of an enveloped virus by endocytosis.

html5 animation showing entry of a naked virus by capsid reconfiguration.

html5 animation showing penetration of a naked virus by endocytosis.

html5 animation showing fusion of the viral envelope with the membrane of the endocytic vesicle.

html5 animation showing lysis of the endocytic vesicle.

html5 animation showing viral capsid undergoing conformational changes that forms pores in the endocytic vesicle and enable the virial genome to enter the cytoplasm.

html5 animation showing release of the viral genome from the capsid (uncoating).

html5 animation showing a viral DNA genome entering the nucleus of the host cell through the pores in the nuclear membrane.

html5 animation showing a viral capsid interacting with the nuclear membrane of the host cell enabling the viral DNA to enter the nucleus.

html5 animation showing a viral capsid interacting with the nuclear membrane of the host cell enabling the viral DNA to enter the nucleus.

html5 animation showing viral replication.

html5 animation showing maturation of an enveloped virus that will be released by budding.

html5 animation showing maturation of an enveloped virus that will be released by exocytosis.

html5 animation showing maturation of a naked virus.

html5 animation showing release of a naked virus by cell lysis.

html5 animation showing release of an enveloped virus by budding.

html5 Animation showing release of an enveloped virus by exocytosis.

html5 Animation showing a summary animation of the life cycle of an enveloped virus.

html5 Animation showing a summary animation of the life cycle of a naked virus.

GIF animation showing adsorption of HIV.

GIF animation showing penetration of HIV.

GIF animation showing the action of reverse transcriptase.

GIF animation showing provirus formation.

GIF Animation showing translation of HIV mRNA.

GIF animation showing maturation of gp41 and gp120.

GIF animation showing maturation of HIV.

html5 animation showing adsorption of a lytic bacteriophage.

html5 animation showing penetration of a lytic bacteriophage.

html5 animation showing replication of a lytic bacteriophage.

html5 animation showing maturation of a lytic bacteriophage.

html5 animation showing release of a lytic bacteriophage.

GIF animation summarizing the lytic life cycle of a lytic bacteriophage.

html5 animation showing adsorption of a temperate bacteriophage.

html5 animation showing penetration of a temperate bacteriophage.

html5animation showing prophage formation.

html5 animation showing spontaneous induction.

html5 animation showing replication of a temperate bacteriophage.

html5 animation showing maturation of a temperate bacteriophage.

html5 animation showing release of a temperate bacteriophage.

GIF animation summarizing the lysogenic life cycle of a temperate bacteriophage.


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Doc Kaiser's Microbiology Home Page
Updated: July, 2021