Self Quiz for The Adaptive Immune System: Antigen-Presenting Cells (APCs) such as Dendritic Cells, Macrophages, and B-lymphocytes

Study the material in this section and then write out the answers to these questions.
Do not just click on the answers and write them out. This will not test your understanding of this tutorial.


1. Match the following in terms of antigen-presenting dendritic cells presenting antigens to naive T4-lymphocytes:

_____ Dendritic cells engulf ____________ antigens. (ans)

_____ Once engulfed by dendritic cells, protein antigens are degraded into peptides by organelles called ____________. (ans)

_____ Dendritic cells bind peptides to grooves in _________________. (ans)

_____ The dendritic cell then presents the MHC/peptide complex to the ___________________. (ans)

_____ Dendritic cells produce co-stimulatory signals after pathogen-associated molecular patterns bind to ___________________. (ans)

a. TCR of T4-lymphocytes
b. TCR of T8-lymphocytes
c. MHC-I molecules
d. MHC-II molecules
e. exogenous
f. endogenous
g. pattern-recognition receptors
h. lysosomes
i. proteasomes
j. cytosol


2. State where immature dendritic cells are located in the body and, once they engulf antigens, where they carry those antigens for presentation to T-lymphocytes. (ans)

3. Match the following in terms of antigen-presenting dendritic cells presenting antigens to naive T8-lymphocytes:

_____ Dendritic cells engulf ____________ antigens. (ans)

_____ Once engulfed by dendritic cells, protein antigens are degraded into peptides by organelles called ____________. (ans)

_____ Some proteins escape from phagosomes and phagolysosomes into the ____________. (ans)

_____ Once in the cytosol, protein antigens are degraded into peptides by organelles called ____________. (ans)

_____ Dendritic cells then bind peptides to grooves in _________________. (ans)

_____ The Dendritic cell then presents the MHC/peptide complex to the ___________________. (ans)


a. TCR of T4-lymphocytes
b. TCR of T8-lymphocytes
c. MHC-I molecules
d. MHC-II molecules
e. exogenous
f. endogenous
g. toll-like receptors
h. lysosomes
i. proteasomes
j. cytosol

4. Name the primary type of cell that functions as an antigen-presenting cell to naive T4-lymphocytes and naive T8-lymphocytes. (ans)

5. State the role of T4-effector cells in activating macrophages (ans) .

6. State the role of T4-effector cells in the proliferation and differentiation of activated B-lymphocytes. (ans)

7. Multiple Choice (ans)


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Updated: Feb., 2012
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