Learning Objectives for "Bacterial Pathogenesis: Factors that Promote Colonization of the Host
3. The Ability to Invade Host Cells"

After completing this section you should be able to perform the following objectives.


1. * Briefly describe the mechanism by which invasins enable certain bacteria to enter host cells. State why it might be a benefit to invade a host cell.

2. Briefly describe how a type 3 secretion system might be used to invade and survive inside host cells.

3. State how certain pathogenic spirochetes such as Treponema pallidum and Borrelia bergdorferi use adhesins, invasins and motility to penetrate host cells.

(*) = Common theme throughout the course

(**) = More depth and common theme

Highlighted Bacterium

1. Read the description of Shigella and match the bacterium with the description of the organism and the infection it causes.

2. Read the description of Salmonella and match the bacterium with the description of the organism and the infection it causes.

3. Read the description of Borrelia bergdorferi and match the bacterium with the description of the organism and the infection it causes.


Think-Pair-Share Questions

Bacteria such as Salmonella, and Shigella routinely enter intestinal epithelial cells.

Briefly describe how they enter the epithelial cell and state 2 advantages this might provide the bacterium in terms of its pathogenicity.


Doc Kaiser's Microbiology Home Page
Copyright © Gary E. Kaiser
All Rights Reserved
Updated: June, 2013
Please send comments and inquiries to Dr. Gary Kaiser