Learning Objectives for "Bacterial Pathogenesis: Factors that Promote Colonization of the Host
5. The Ability to Resist Innate Immune Defenses such as Phagocytosis and Complement. a.
An Overview of Phagocytosis and the Complement Pathways"

After completing this section you should be able to perform the following objectives.


1. Describe the following as they relate to phagocytosis:

a. unenhanced attachment
b. enhanced attachment
c. ingestion
d. destruction

2. State 4 different body defense functions of the body's complement pathways.


Think-Pair-Share Questions

1. Capsules often enable bacteria to resist phagocytosis by unenhanced attachment.

Based on what we just learned, explain how.

2. Some bacteria are able to inhibits the C3 convertase enzyme, the enzyme that splits complement protein C3 into C3a and C3b.

Explain how this might make it harder for that bacterium to be phagocytosed.


Doc Kaiser's Microbiology Home Page
Copyright © Gary E. Kaiser
All Rights Reserved
Updated: Feb., 2011
Please send comments and inquiries to Dr. Gary Kaiser