Binding of Cytokines to Target Cells

Cytokines such as TNF-alpha, Il-1, Il-6, and Il-8 now bind to cytokine receptors on various target cells and normally function to promote body defenses such as inflammation, fever, immune responses, and phagocytosis. In this way, the stimulating Gram-negative bacteria are removed from the body. However when released in excessive amounts during severe Gram-negative infections, these same cytokines can result in harmful effects including as blood vessel damage, respiratory destress, tissue destruction, hypotension, shock, organ failure, and death. Likewise, the release of proteases and toxic oxygen radicals by the neutrophils will kill bacteria in the area, however, these same molecules are also toxic to human cells and can lead to tissue damage.

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Copyright © Gary E. Kaiser
All Rights Reserved
Updated: Jan. 11, 2000
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