Fig. 2: Replication of a Double-Stranded DNA Viral Genome and production of Viral mRNA

To replicate the viral genome, DNA-dependent DNA polymerase enzymes copy both the (+) and (-) DNA strands producing dsDNA viral genomes.

To produce viral mRNA molecules. DNA-dependent RNA polymerase enzymes copy the (-) DNA strand into (+) viral mRNA. The (+) viral mRNA can then be transtated into viral proteins by host cell ribosomes.

Illustration of the  Replication of a Double-Stranded DNA Viral Genome and production of Viral mRNA .jpg by Gary E. Kaiser, Ph.D.
Professor of Microbiology, The Community College of Baltimore County, Catonsville Campus
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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Last updated: Feb., 2018
Please send comments and inquiries to Dr. Gary Kaiser